Friday, November 27, 2009

Has anyone ever heard of conflict with Vista and McAfee? My Internet Explorer isn't working rig

My Internet Explorer says it isn't able to find Yahoo Mail, which is impossible, and then when it finds it, I'm not able to read the text (the body) of any of the messages. My toolbar won't let me diagnose problems with internet connections, and I can't download an alternative browser like Foxfire. Even though the pages load, I'm not able to interact with them properly. Some kind of browser error...

Has anyone ever heard of conflict with Vista and McAfee? My Internet Explorer isn't working right. Help!microsoft vista

I didn't have anything like this buuuut I have been having a lot of random issues similar to that AND I do have McAfee and Windows Vista and I too, use Internet Explorer. I'm not sure, but I have a feeling its more of a problem with Vista rather than McAfee. But I can't honestly say.

I a having a problem with runescape. its not working. is this because i have internet explorer 7?

does internet explorer 7 block runescape. Also yahoo games do not work. it keeps comming up with a error thingy.

I a having a problem with runescape. its not working. is this because i have internet explorer 7?ds browser

u have a bug in your computer better get it fix

I a having a problem with runescape. its not working. is this because i have internet explorer 7?microsoft templates internet explorer

if i hadto guess i would say "yeah" .. ie7 suks bigtime ..

Internet Explorer Users: Do you get very annyoed when the 'error report' pops up and close

clicking 'send' or 'don't send'

Internet Explorer Users: Do you get very annyoed when the 'error report' pops up and closes everything after?windows media center

I hate that crap

Internet Explorer Users: Do you get very annyoed when the 'error report' pops up and closes everything after?nintendo ds browser internet explorer

Yes, sometimes I do.
YES!!! It happens to me when I have up yahoo videos and myspace at the same time.
...Why haven't you switched to firefox...???

Whats wrong with my Internet explorer?

Since yesterday every time I click on a question to answer on here, I get an error message telling me explorer cannot access yahoo answers and the action is being aborted.

It changes to a blank explorer page and I have to refresh to get back on here, it only happens on this site, whats that about?

Whats wrong with my Internet explorer?microsoft office 2003

Well this is a saviour i thought it was my machine but this confirms something to do with what yahoo are doing. I have done everything under the sun to stop this including the following...

Deleted all temporary files/cookies/cache the lot!.

Reset all Internet Explorers settings

Reinstalled Java (as the new version is causing a few errors with customers PCs)

Run a full system spyware and virus scan

Ran CCleaner

Uninstalled/Reinstalled Internet Explorer 7

Flushed my DNS settings

Reset my router and reconfigured it

Reset my firewall settings

Re-registered all associated DLL's in Internet Explorer

Pinged the yahoo answers site to check for packet loss

Created a 2 minute timeout rule in my registry so that Internet Explorer does not timeout until two minutes have passed without communication from the website server.

Now i have a question is everyone who is experiencing this problem on VirginMedia?

Whats wrong with my Internet explorer?windows xp professional internet explorer

Have no idea - it's just happened to me - might be Yahoo doing something behind the scenes -
thats exactly what happened to me, i went on to this site 2mins ago and the same thing happens. (operation aborted, then i have to refresh)
I am on the site pretty often I have not had any problems. Here comes the ad for Firefox.......
Try goto "Tools--%26gt;Internet Options" and reset all options into default values.
I don't know what the problem is but I got the same message yesterday and again this morning. Its really annoying.
I to just had problems getting into my service as the router lights were'nt all showing,so i had to turn it off and back on again.

Then i couldn't get into my Mail a moment ago!

I think they are having some problems at Yahoo so were all in the same boat,....hey!
Simple answer to this one.

Stop using Internet Explorer. It Sucks.

Download firefox instead. Is a much better, safer browser.

My internet explorer is not opening any site but showing dns error what should i do? %26lt;download

My internet explorer is not opening any site but showing dns error what should i do?microsoft works

Try another browsers like Firefox (to check your internet connection),and reinstall IE.

My internet explorer is not opening any site but showing dns error what should i do?windows mobile internet explorer

Use Mozilla Firefox instead of Internet Explorer because Firefox is safer to use.
Check your proxy settings first.

My Internet Explorer keeps cutting out saying it has encountered an error.?

It then suggests that i tell microsoft about this problem.

" How do I do this" ?

My Internet Explorer keeps cutting out saying it has encountered an error.?replacement windows

I would not go to the trouble of reporting it as it gets back to them one way or another -updates scan probably!

You need to run a full AntiSpyware scan and Antivirus scan in Safe mode as this stops the beggars from loading at boot up - this is probably what is causing your browser to close -eradicate-eradicate-eradicate.

My Internet Explorer keeps cutting out saying it has encountered an error.?windows mail internet explorer

use firefox better and fast
use n run full system virus scan for this( U may use anti virus avast pro.)
In the prompt that tells you to report this error to Microsoft, there should be a button "send error report". Press that.

To rectify the problem you're having with Internet Explorer, go to Microsoft update web site and download and install the newest version of IE.

This should sort your problem.
click where they suggest, then turn off your computer and start it over ...
You just click "OK" on the dialogue box and it does it automatically.
You just have to send in the error report. You should check to see if you are running the latest version of Internet Explorer.
internet explorer and firefox do this to me, i use bt yahoo or opera
It usually opens a dialogue box asking if you want to send a report or not..

I agree with the previous answer though - Firefox is more stable.
use firefox it runs well with no apparent problems

When I search ( eg. for my big pond Acct , a page tells me" Internet Explorer cannot display th

I have cable and 100% connection,make no spelling error, yet when I search ( eg. for my bigpond account ... trying to make hotel reservations) , a page appears telling me "Internet Explorer cannot dsiplay this page ". Why ?

When I search ( eg. for my big pond Acct , a page tells me" Internet Explorer cannot display this page. Why?windows explorer

i am not too sure, try refreshing the page or searching for something else, maybe your internet connection is slow, that happens fairly often, but i cant see why it doesnt affect yahoo answers



I can't connect to AIM or FTP but I can connect to Internet Explorer. Im on Laptop. What's

I can connect to internet explorer, uTorrent, and even Firefox but I cant connect to AIM or with FTP. I am on vista. I tried different AIM versions, all failing. I was setting up and FTP account with armadax keylogger and got an error message saying 'FTP ser could not be reached'. The information entered was correct. I am on a laptop connecting wirelessly (if it matters). I was told to change third-party firewall settings by someoine on yahoo answers once. I couldnt fing AIM on this list o programs to unblock. I was just trying to allow ports on the router on the main computer. I don't know if I have to do anything like that.

-Firewall is off

-I am very close to router

-I dont think Norton (my only security program) is blocking it.

Any links, information, or any little thing will be appreciated so pleaseeeee answer!!!!


I can't connect to AIM or FTP but I can connect to Internet Explorer. Im on Laptop. What's the problemwindows media player 10

I had the same problem, not with AIM, but FTP.

My Wireless DSL Modem was blocking FTP by defualt.

1. Connect to gateway



figure out what your gateway is?

Plug that IP into the your internet browser and enter password

Find your firewall settings on gateway device and add FTP

Save settings

I can't connect to AIM or FTP but I can connect to Internet Explorer. Im on Laptop. What's the problemmicrosoft net internet explorer

Check ur proxy/firewall settings...
I probably need more information to help. Please confirm that your Windows Firewall is off and your Norton Firewall is off. Please be aware that having both turned off can be dangerous so only do it to test the problem.
This is due to the firewall. Firewalls block certain ports.

For example, FTP is traditionally port 21,

but HTTP (world wide web) is traditionally port 80.

For reference, you can look up common ports here:

the best thing you can do is simply unblock the blocked ports.

If you are not sophisticated enough to do that; then disable the firewall each time you run the desired internet application.

If you can't figure that one out either, you can always uninstall the firewall...

Note-- various versions of Norton antivirus automatically come with a firewall, so you should definitely check the version you have.

Can't tell you more without knowing what firewall you have...

Run-time error '5'. Invalid procedure call or argument. In Internet Explorer 6?

This question/problem comes up under resolved questions, but it is not really resolved. I also get the same message every time I open IE or click a link. It seems to have started after I installed the 'new' Ybar (Yahoo bar). And I can not get rid of it. Anyone at all have a true fix, or know of a true fix to this problem?

Run-time error '5'. Invalid procedure call or argument. In Internet Explorer 6?microsoft powerpoint

It happens when you don't install updates. Goto microsoft updates and install all the updates relating to ie and windows. Error will stop popping up.

Why do I get an error message stating unknown publisher when I open Internet Explorer?

I just recently purchased a new dell computer and when I click on the IE icon on my desktop a error box pops up and states that it is an unknown publisher would I like to trust it. Does anyone know why I would be getting this, and how to resolve the issue? Thank you.

Why do I get an error message stating unknown publisher when I open Internet Explorer?microsoft live

According to your description,there are some regsitry errors in your PC to cause "IE error".You need to clean you PC.

Every time you install and uninstall software on your computer and surfing online you create junk in the registry.You need to scan and clean your PC with registry cleaner.Good Regisry Cleaner will fix(NOT hide) almost all computer errors (contains IE error),improve your PC and Internet performance dramatically.It even can speed up your PC by 300% or more!

There are some comparison and review of TOP 5 registry cleaners.

You can download and scan your PC for free.

I keep getting an error message that says url application data microsoft internet explorer desktop.l

then it has line:64 char:1 error: 'suih is undefined code' iam totally clueless to any of that. and i can't open any of my games. help!!!!!!!!!!!

I keep getting an error message that says url application data microsoft internet explorer desktop.ltt?windows server 2003

First eliminate any scumware.


Dealing with Unwanted Spyware, Parasites, Toolbars and Search Engines

Note that AdAware and SpyBot S %26amp; D will each catch some things the other

won't. Also, each needs to be updated before every use, even when just

downloaded. There's also a lot more to do than just those two programs.

CWShredder is also available here:

**Post your HijackThis log to or the Spyware forum at for expert analysis, not here.**

Alternative download pages for Ad-Aware, Spybot, HijackThis and CWShredder

may be found on this page:

My internet explorer keeps saying that every website has a certificate error. whats the problem?

what can i do to fix this. even firefox is doing the same thing.

My internet explorer keeps saying that every website has a certificate error. whats the problem?microsoft exchange


My internet explorer keeps saying that every website has a certificate error. whats the problem?windows vista ultimate internet explorer

Check your computers date.
that happened to me before and i found out that my internet was disconnected or something like that.
enter to the Internet explorer and enter properties and then put disable the privacy
try.. downloading a new explorer.

you can do that on yahoo.

i think its called tabbed browser.
Every site? try looking under TOOLS-INTERNET OPTIONS_SECURITY i have mine on med-high and i have no problem what is yours at?
maybe you use an "ip hider" program for refuse the proxies.. check it out

HTML: the book said: write on a Notepad, save it and display the Web page in a Web browser (Internet

but when I go to the Internet Explorer and try to Open this file, it just said the internet is off line and I am unable to open it, even though i am online for most of others things! Why is that , how can I open the web on the browser? My server is Virgin and they don't care to help me, since the pop up of Off line, Connecting, Error comes all the time.

HTML: the book said: write on a Notepad, save it and display the Web page in a Web browser (Internet Explorer)microsoft templates

Save your .txt file as a .html file - are you doing this?

HTML: the book said: write on a Notepad, save it and display the Web page in a Web browser (Internet Explorer)windows firewall internet explorer

Make sure you save the file as filename.HTM or filename.HTML. Go to My Documents and double click it and IE should launch and display the document as a webpage. You don't need to have IE already running.
to view simple html files on the local machine doesn't require any internet connedction.

Write html code in a note pad. While saving it save it as a "abc.html" (with double quotes) as the file type in the below combo box is .txt file

alternative way is to change the file type from the combo box to "All" and type the name as abc.html without quotes.

for those file which u have ealier created.. check the extension. it should be .html or .htm. otherwise it will not display
using notepad save the file as:

"myFilename.html" or "myFilename.htm" complete with the " "

if yo do not use the double quotation marks, notepad saves your file as myFilename.html.txt not myFilename.html
I think you are ahead of yourself. Notepad is an HTML Editor program. When you "open the web on the browser", you are supposed to be opening the WEB PAGE ON THE BROWSER. I have a web site and I type the rubbish I want to publish to the web site in Word, then copy it and paste into Notepad (the HTML Editor), then I copy the Notepad page and paste it into the web site. This method gives continuity to the article without line breaks etc., if I posted it as a Word paper there would be double spaces between lines for e.g..

Since upgrading to Internet explorer 7 I cannot shut down pages without sending error message. What

First of all,I don't consider IE 7 an upgrade.I downloaded it when it first came out and had so many problems with it that I change back to what I had.Perhaps in the future they will have it fixed but in the meantime I will not use it.I know a lot of people who have had the same problems,and are of the same opinion as my self.Also Yahoo anti virus (Norton) is a piece of junk.It is hard to believe that Yahoo would have something like the Yahoo anti virus.

I have downloaded internet explorer 7, now when i open i get this error "

What can I do to fix this problem? Anyone have any ideas or suggestions to solve this issue?

I have downloaded internet explorer 7, now when i open i get this error " xp professional

I have the same problem got 3 answers yesterday check it out

I have downloaded internet explorer 7, now when i open i get this error " xp home internet explorer

Uninstall it the install it again

Run time error opening the Yahoo mail page.Change on Internet Explorer advanced options didn't

Yahoo has paid, trained TECHS who can help you with your question or problem. Make certain to go into much detail so they understand what information you need. (Simply copy and paste the question you've asked here into the form and add more details if necessary.)

Here's a link to a Yahoo! Mail Errors and Problems Reporting Form:

Here's a link to a Yahoo E-Mail Help Request Form:

Use this form to report incidents of abuse or harassment.

Customer Service: 1-408-349-1572

Yahoo contact information is:

Yahoo! Inc.

701 First Avenue

Sunnyvale, California 94089

Phone (408) 349-3300

Fax (408) 349-3301

Office Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. PST

Beware: I was informed phone calls are not free and can be very costly!

PS: On the very top right-hand corner of your Yahoo Mail screen there is a link to HELP.


If you are experiencing many errors or don't like the new Yahoo Beta Mail, here's a link which will switch you back to Yahoo Classic Mail:

The page will simply say: "Do you really want to opt out?"

Click on: YES!

Often my Internet Explorer 7 terminates with an OK dialog stating "RunTime Error". What to

use Mozilla Firefox instead of IE.

Often my Internet Explorer 7 terminates with an OK dialog stating "RunTime Error". What to do?windows mail

The best solution is try to reinstall IE 7.0

Often my Internet Explorer 7 terminates with an OK dialog stating "RunTime Error". What to do?microsoft maps internet explorer

Switch to firefox.
Ditch it, get Firefox, and prepare to have little or no problems and better browsing. Either that or attempt to reinstall IE and see if that fixes the problem.
i had this problem recently and you might have to call the internet source(such as the brodband company, phone company,etc) if that isnt the problem you might have to call the computer company
Try this One Click programs, which does number of things to

tweak your computer.

Advanced Windows Care V2 Personal from

Also use the memory cleaner ( ( Under Tools)
You can try this tool to fix it:

Good luck!

I'm getting an error reading no memory on line 56 on internet explorer. how can i fix fix this?

i don't know the cause, but it causes things to go real slow especially when tring to get into yahoo games. I put my preferances back to default and started it all from scratch and it still did not fix the problem.

I'm getting an error reading no memory on line 56 on internet explorer. how can i fix fix this?microsoft zune

Go to Tools %26gt; Internet Options %26gt; Advanced.

Check the box to Disable script debugging.

Unchecked the box to Display a notification about every script error.

I'm getting an error reading no memory on line 56 on internet explorer. how can i fix fix this?windows nt internet explorer

not sure ... you might need more ram in your computer

How do I reinstall Internet Explorer 6 or get Internet Explorer 7? I read - this is a solution to Er

Re-installing IE 6 is a real pain in the posterior. You need to have a Microsoft Windows XP CD. I suggest you upgrade IE 6 to IE 7. To install IE7, goto site:



I've never seen anything that really describes what error14 means in Yahoo land. I'm skeptical that doing the upgrade to IE 7 will fix the problem. On the plus side, IE 7 is superior to IE 6. If you like browser tabs, IE 7 is a must! Good luck.


Please help- getting error message when trying to log into yahooand internet explorer-?

no memory left of line 56? thank you in advance for your help

Please help- getting error message when trying to log into yahooand internet explorer-?windows xp sp2

This seems to be a recurring problem with Yahoo Mail Beta. I too have experienced this several times.

Sometimes, I can clear all browser cache and Yahoo cookies files and the problem goes away. Other times that does not work.

I also fixed the problem before by upgrading my Java version.

Unfortunately there is not an easy, cut and dried solution to the problem. Most everyone here will tell you to simply clear browser cache and history files and reboot. Honestly, that does work sometimes, but not every time.

You might also check the help files for freezing browser windows and other error messages here...

I routinely switch back and forth between regular Yahoo Mail and Yahoo Mail Beta. Everything you need to know about switching back and forth (like I do frequently) is here on the bottom of this Yahoo Mail help page...

Also, Yahoo has reported that the Beta period is over for Yahoo Mail. They are rolling out the final released version over the next few weeks. See the Yahoo blog for more info...

Please help- getting error message when trying to log into yahooand internet explorer-?microsoft sql server internet explorer

try with firefox

Internet explorer is having problems when im thereand close out program error comes up and sends err

i am having the same problem as yours. it's so irritatiing. it takes time to load and sometimes become response..then i need to send error report. then it becomes okay. but later it appears again with that problem

so, i downloaded mozilla firefox. it is very good.

i regret downloading IE 7 . the previous one was good. i thought this one would be much better..

where better?? more worse...

Internet explorer is having problems when im thereand close out program error comes up and sends error reportwindows xp service

Go to tools.

Select Internet options.

Under general select delete files.

This will clear out your cache and free up some memory.

Internet explorer is having problems when im thereand close out program error comes up and sends error reportmicrosoft xp internet explorer

if ur using IE 6 download IE 7 because 7 is alot stable or reinstall it again your best bet is 'using firefox because its alot more stable it dont take forever to load and u wont get viruses and much more faster
looks like all the world is having the same problems , Personally I downloaded another more reliable browser which is Firefox and it rarely freezes and even if it does it once a year it gives you the option to go exactly back to where it stopped, so you won't lose your work.

Windows Explorer Error Message for Vista...Can't Do ANYTHING!!!?

This problem occurs on my Windows Vista Premium Edition computer. Everytime I start up my computer an error message pops up that says Windows Explorer needs to restart. (or something of that nature). NOT WINDOWS INTERNET EXPLORER, JUST WINDOWS EXPLORER. I can click look online for help and restart or just click restart. No matter what I click on it restarts and I have about 5 seconds to do anything and it just pops back up again. I cannot perform any actions or open any folders on my computer because within that 5 seconds when the message pops up again it exits out of any program I can get into in that time span. Does anyone know how to fix this? I see that a lot of people are having this problem. I also noticed that some anti-spyware program downloaded on my compter without my permission and I think that has something to do with it but I don't have enough time to delete the program because it will just exit out of it.


Windows Explorer Error Message for Vista...Can't Do ANYTHING!!!?windows vista ultimate

I would say that spyware program has something to do with your problem.

When it restarts, after the very first screen goes away (before the windows logo is displayed) start hitting F8. If the logo appears, you've missed your opportunity so turn off the machine and try it again.

What you're looking for is a menu to come up where you can select Safe Mode. Go into Safe Mode. Don't be scared because it looks really different, because it will, BUT you can then go into your Control Panel and remove whatever software you need to and/or run any kind of spyware scan or anti-virus scan.

Then when you're done, just restart the computer. If that menu comes up again, just tell it to go into Normal Mode and then it will, or at least should, go right into Windows.

Hope this helps.

When popups come on internet explorer I'll close them & they send me an error report; why?

Don't use Internet explorer.Its very vulnerable to spywares and adwares etc.That is why u r getting those error messages as some unwanted files have entered ur computer. i would say use mozilla firefox instead.Its much better plus has more features.

Secondly install some antivirus or spyware remover(Spybot for example)

When popups come on internet explorer I'll close them %26amp; they send me an error report; why?microsoft net framework

get it

When popups come on internet explorer I'll close them %26amp; they send me an error report; why?windows xp themes internet explorer

You can try this tool to fix it:

Good luck!

How do i stop the internet error script from poping up?

This Doesnt Work

"1. Go to the following menu.

Tools -%26gt; INternet Options -%26gt; Advanced Tab:

Go to the " Browsing " section and disable the following three options:

* Disable Script Debugging (Internet Explorer)

* Disable Script Debugging (other)

* Disable a notification about every script Error

One of the possible causes (Technical) : A object was referred and not declared. "

How do i stop the internet error script from poping up?windows firewall

scroll down on the thing at the bottom and it will say block, permit and something else click block it will probly come up again but not every second

Internet closing by popping up error "don't send"?

Hi whenever I try to open up the internet, it gives me a problem pop up and when i click don't send(or send error report) it closes the internet. it used to work on the 3rd try of openening it but right now i tried openning it 12times and it keeps on giving me a problem.

lately i'm starting to lose my patience because of this.

i was able to open up the internet when i went to mcafee personal firewall and looked at the summary of blocked/allowed programs. and right clicked internet explorer and clicked on get more information, then it opened up internet without the pop up.

i also tried blocking internet error on mcafee but it didn't work..

what is wrong?

i can open up a new window when i click "open in new window" but that doesn't do anything when i don't have anything to open in new window at start up....

Internet closing by popping up error "don't send"?windows 98

What do you mean when you say "open up the internet" ?

Do you mean that you are opening the application called "internet explorer" ?

If so, then give firefox a try and see if that solves the problem. (Use firefox INSTEAD of internet explorer)

See link below. It's free.

Internet closing by popping up error "don't send"?microsoft support internet explorer

This can be caused by a spyware/virus, IE outdated to corrupted. So try to run a virus/spyware scan and dowload latest updates for your Windows. It would automatically download updates for IE.

Why does my internet explorer keep shutting down and stating that flash9 caused an error? I have Win

I mostly get this error at and other flash websites. I've tried downloading flash again, but it didn't work.

Why does my internet explorer keep shutting down and stating that flash9 caused an error? I have WinXP?windows xp home

Try this

When I click X I get error about blank and get kick off of internet explorer. How do I correct this?

when you click the x your are turning off anyways so what do you mean but it sounds like you have a spyware program messing with but the x doe shut you off anyways the minus shinks the square open the x close if it shut you off id say its spyware and you should run a test

When I click X I get error about blank and get kick off of internet explorer. How do I correct this?

The best way is to not use IE. Instead, download FireFox, and use it as your default browser. It is user friendly.

Anytime I go to, internet explorer shuts down -how do i fix it? The error reports dont wo

actually i had this problem with another site and what was recommended to me was to delete the sofeware that was downloaded, for example mine was Java Script, and then to reinstall it, or you can restore your computer to a day that it used to work to restore your computer follow the steps

1. start

2. (it may be under accessories) look for "System Restore"

3. click on restore my computer to earlier time and click next

4. pick a date that the site worked (for example 2 weeks ago.) then click next.

5. finally it will restart your computer, try the site again

if it doesnt work after restoring it, try to use another computer and see what software the site requires so you can delete and reinstall it on ur computer.

good luck.

Anytime I go to, internet explorer shuts down -how do i fix it? The error reports dont work.?microsoft maps

Try http://arizonajobs.localcareer... Report It

My messenger won't come up. Internet explorer comes up and says it has encountered an error the

Go into your Norton GoBack, and restore your system to a date BEFORE everything started going wrong. Then do a virus check, and spam scan and defrag the system.

Hopefully, it's not too long ago, so you won't lose much. If you have any files that you've made recently that are absolutely essential to keep, make a copy of them before you restore your system.

My messenger won't come up. Internet explorer comes up and says it has encountered an error then closes??windows nt

try to uninstall messenger then reinstall it before doing a system restore

How do I get out of Internet Explorer (No Add-ons)mode? I Just want to run in the regular mode.?

I have 5 users on my computer. the primary user works fine when I want to browse the Internet. But the other for users are unable to access the internet because of a script error message that pops up. these four users all say IE is running in No Add-ons mode. the primary user is not in NO Add ons mode. So how do I get the other four users in out of No Add-ons mode?

How do I get out of Internet Explorer (No Add-ons)mode? I Just want to run in the regular mode.?microsoft flight simulator

Go to tools and click manage addons. Then disable all of the addons. Some will be in use and others will be used in the past.

Internet Error?

Recently when I open up my Internet Explorer and my Yahoo homepage downloads, I'm unable use the whole site. For example, when the site first downloads and you see all the main stories, I can't click on any other of the main stories. When I do, the story is hilighted like normal but nothing happens. So if I really want to read it, I have to put the site in manually. Now along with that, when I run a search, I often get "error on page" in the bottom. This also occurs with other sites, not just Yahoo. I have done full system scans where it has reset my homepage do to adware. So I don't know if that has something to do with it or not. I was wondering what was causing this and how I can fix it. Is Internet Explorer my problem? Should I just get Mozzila? Or is it something serious and I can take care of it? Or is it just a little thing? Thanks

Internet Error?microsoft sql server

If you have WinXP, try doing a system restore.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I'm not able to open internet explorer 6(i have windows98).It says INVALID SYNTAX ERROR. What s

If IE5 is still on the microsoft site, install that and then perform an update. IE5 was more native to Windows 98, so that should circumvent your component problem

I'm not able to open internet explorer 6(i have windows98).It says INVALID SYNTAX ERROR. What should i do now?microsoft downloads

Try to reintall IE if you can. If that dosen't work you could reinsall the OS

I'm not able to open internet explorer 6(i have windows98).It says INVALID SYNTAX ERROR. What should i do now?microsoft word 2003 internet explorer

reinstall ie6 again.

Internet Explorer tells me that Yahooo's Security Certificate" is "in error" it

I've got a great idea. Stop using IE. Use Firefox. firefox is more secure, reliable and faster. It will not give u stupid errors because it does not use microsofts weak Security Certificates or insecure and unreliable ActiveX controls.

I guarantee that u wont be disappointed with it.

Internet Explorer tells me that Yahooo's Security Certificate" is "in error" it will not let me in stall "Yahodefault browser

try to checked your firewall and cookies on internet options.

Internet Explorer tells me that Yahooo's Security Certificate" is "in error" it will not let me in stall "Yahomicrosoft word download internet explorer

in 'tools'%26gt;internet options%26gt;advanced: uncheck for the 'check for certificates....' crud, and the 'notify for every scritp error'....

Internet explorer gives me red x's on some webpages and a error saying cannot display the webpa

Every other couple of webpages i get red x's for images, and every so often i get an error saying i cannot display webpage because loss of connection. usually i refresh a couple of times and it looks ok. I have scanned for viruses and spyware, trojans ect... found nothing. I have tryed disabling my firewall and nothing. I have cable broadband, and two computers networked through a router. But i have had them together on the same router for over a year and not a problem. The second computer works perfect. When my computer trys to update anything it stops because it says the connection was lost. Please help me.

Internet explorer gives me red x's on some webpages and a error saying cannot display the webpage, help?windows xp themes

The red X's are an indication that you are not receiving in MIMN mode.

Check the Internet tools,settings on your first computer and match them to your second computer.

Internet explorer gives me red x's on some webpages and a error saying cannot display the webpage, help?download windows media player internet explorer

Not sure if this will help you or not but it's worth a shot:

Application error 0x00000011 window comes up when i work in Internet explorer & close all window

You can try this tool to fix it:

Good luck!

Can anyone tell me whats up with my internet explorer. It keeps tell me that it incurrered and error

when i try to close something out it closes everything and its the new explorer7 can anyone help?

Can anyone tell me whats up with my internet explorer. It keeps tell me that it incurrered and error can closmicrosoft support

The new Internet Explorer is provided by Microsoft, and as which is incredibly buggy, and i mean INCREDIBLY.

Please provide some error codes so I can help you with the actual error. Until then click this link.

Can anyone tell me whats up with my internet explorer. It keeps tell me that it incurrered and error can closwindows live mail internet explorer

I would start by downloading the latest versions of java, flash, quicktime, etc....

Those are the most likely cause of the errors.

My internet explorer displays a blank page and I then get an error message that closes me out . Any

I recently downloaded ie 7 beta 2 to see if this would fix it. No luck. Should I have uninstalled ie before updating? if I did, would I loose everything? Thanks for helping.....G

My internet explorer displays a blank page and I then get an error message that closes me out . Any ideas?microsoft visual studio

Sounds like you have a virus or browser hijack. I suggest scanning your computer for adware/spyware with the programs called Spybot and Adaware. I suggest doing so in safe mode. You can also try a program called Hijack this...but I wouldn't reccommend doing so unless you really know what you're doing.

My internet explorer displays a blank page and I then get an error message that closes me out . Any ideas?ie internet explorer

sucks to u man anyone that try to d/l ie7 and not remove aforesaid ie6 before doing so then it reallys sucks to be u
i have been experiencing ALL kinds of trouble on my computer, lately. I kept getting "ths page is closed," my home page would go blank, when I clicked nothing would happen..I was on the verge of dropping the cable company that supplies me with the net, and THEN......I called the cable company to tell them I am ONCE again having problems and I think it's time for me to go to another company, unless they sent(for the third time) a guy out to REALLY fix the problem. As I was waiting for an actual HUMAn to come on the phone, I turned off my computer, waited a short while, then turned it back on. TA DA!!!!!! That's all I needed. I felt lost without this toy of mine. Good luck, friend.

When exiting internet explorer I get a message about blank page and send error report to how do I st

you odont

u always click dont send

if you wanna take a risk then click send

I keep getting error messages that knock me offline. It has an Internet Explorer logo on it but Micr

Microsoft wants $45 to solve the prob. It happens mostly when I try to click on a link. Any suggestions?

I keep getting error messages that knock me offline. It has an Internet Explorer logo on it but Microsoft wantwindows registry

A good way to address the problem would be to

1. Repair Internet Explorer 6

2. Uninstall and Install IE 6 again

3. Use Mozila Firefox - a very good and stable browser

for points 1 and 2, you can refer to these pages

for downloading firefox, you can visit

I keep getting error messages that knock me offline. It has an Internet Explorer logo on it but Microsoft wantie 6 internet explorer

Try to repair internet explorer by going to start, then run, and typing this in exactly...

::edit due to limitations on this, I will link you to the help on where that command can be found

it will bring up a repair for ie 6. go ahead and repair. If it errors out, its easier, get Internet Explorer sp1 from microsoft's web site.

Clean off spyware.

Why cant i log on to capital one credit card website. i have the most updated verison of internet ex

i keep gettting an error message that my internet version is not high enough. i am using 6.0

Why cant i log on to capital one credit card website. i have the most updated verison of internet explorer?windows 95

Have you installed all the security patches for it? Run the Windows update and see what you can install.

Why cant i log on to capital one credit card website. i have the most updated verison of internet explorer?download ie internet explorer

Try deleting your cookies too.

My computer's internet explorer 6.6 starts up and then closes with no error messages. How do i

It works, loads my yahoo home page and then immediately closes

My computer's internet explorer 6.6 starts up and then closes with no error messages. How do i fix it.?windows 2000

The simple solution that will fix this type of problem is to:

A) run antispyware programs such as Lavasoft or Spypot to clean-up any spyware infections.

B) Ensure your anti-virus program is up to date and run it.

If this does not work, then do the following:

1) click on control panel

2) click on internet options

3) click on programs

4) click on reset web settings

5) when the reset web settings window box appears, click YES

If you have done this correctly, a window box will then appear and say "Your web settings have been set to thier original Internet Explorer defaults"

This should fix the problem. As the other users have said, use a better browser such as Netscape, Firefox or Opera and you will definitely have fewer problems with viruses and spyware.

My computer's internet explorer 6.6 starts up and then closes with no error messages. How do i fix it.?internet explorer internet explorer

get one of those free cd for it at radio shack and reinstall it
It appears to be the issue with Spyware.

To resolve the issue, we have to install anti-spyware software and remove the spyware from the system. It is recommended to download Spysubtract software from the following weblink:
probably, it had virus.

You can try to reset the internet explore.

try to download a firefox. (Mozilla Explore)

go to
I suspect your computer has spyware. Maybe you should scan for computer for viruses or download Lavasoft's anitispyware software.
Get Firefox %26amp; you'll have no problems.
reinstall. that fixes a lot of computer issues.;)
Go to the System settings in the Control Panel, then go to the Advanced tab.

Hit the Error Reporting button and enable error reporting for windows operating system and programs

Then try to reproduce the IE crash and see what's causing the error.

You can also hit the stop button at the cancel the current action and then try to reset your home page to say google.

Also i would suggest that you go to : tools... internet options

then hit the security tab

once there highlight each one of the icons above and hit custom level and then the reset defaults will reset defaults and hit apply for each of the Icons.

hit ok when done

if you get the IE to finnally load do an online spyware scan with

also you should download

AdAware SE from here:

if you are still having problems you should try this:

download Hijackthis

It will take some knowledge of what to disable or there are forums that can help with the determination of the problem.

Good Luck

P.S. if you have too many spyware infections say 350 or more you may have to reload.

It could take hours to get rid of this amount of infections and you may have better spent time securing data and reloading.
Why don't you try Firefox as a browser, instead of Internet Explorer. I do, and it works great. It's free, much safer than the Microsoft rubbish, and you can install some great extensions. The only inconvenience is that it takes a bit longer to start up, but not too much.

You can read an article on Firefox at:

You can download Firefox on:

Just give it a try, I'm sure you'll love it.

I recently installed Internet Explorer 7, and since then, I've been getting runtime error messa

Any ideas on how to fix this annoying problem?

I recently installed Internet Explorer 7, and since then, I've been getting runtime error themes

Since the IE 7 is newly launched, there requires setting to get rid of these run time errors. Its better to use Firefox as it is much better than the IE 7.

Download the Mozilla Forfox along with the other free software ;ike norton, adaware, real player from here

I recently installed Internet Explorer 7, and since then, I've been getting runtime error messages............internet explorer 7 internet explorer

Screw explorer, get Mozilla Firefox.
I had allot of difficulties with it also so just delete it and it will reverse to the previous one
I tried 7 and don' care for it and it looks like a lot of other people feel the same . I down loaded ie 6 and saved it to my desk top. then I went to control panel and clicked o add and remove programs.I then removed ie 7. Then I installed ie 6. and no more problems.I couldn't get the mail page to work on mine.Here's the download page if you decide to use it.

I'm getting an error reading out of memory on line 56 on internet explorer. how can i fix this?

my RAM is reading ok. its doing it mostly on just yahoo!

I'm getting an error reading out of memory on line 56 on internet explorer. how can i fix this?microsoft word 2003

try reinstalling or updating your Internet Explorer. (Or get with the program and switch to Mozilla Firefox like every one else is doing).

I get this error and can not open my mail in beta:internet explorer has encounted a problem?

It should fix the problem if you clear your browser's cache. Close the mail page, click Start %26gt; Control Panel %26gt; Internet Options (or on Internet Explorer toolbar click Tools %26gt; Internet Options) and delete Cookies, Temporary Internet Files, and History. You might also click Start %26gt; All Programs %26gt; Accessories %26gt; System Tools %26gt; Disk Cleanup %26gt; and run Disk Cleanup.

I get this error and can not open my mail in beta:internet explorer has encounted a problem?download windows xp

I have had the same problem for two weeks . The only way I can see my mail is through YMail . Good luck

I get this error and can not open my mail in beta:internet explorer has encounted a problem?ies internet explorer

The all-new Yahoo! Mail uses several XML features (they are complicated but trust us,

they help you) in the IE browser and in order to use those, you need to have Active X


Rest assured, there is no Active X download or installation of any kind. In order to utilize

these special browser capabilities, please enable Active X with the following steps.

To enable ActiveX for IE 6.x and 7.0 for Windows: you can do the following:

Click on "Tools" menu in the browser.

Select "Internet Options" from the pull-down menu."

Click on the "Security" tab on the top portion.

Click on the "Custom Level" button on the 'Internet' zone option.

You will see a scroll-down menu with radio buttons. Select the 'Enable' radio button for

the following menu choices:

Run ActiveX Controls and Plugins

Script ActiveX Controls Marked Safe for Scripting

Click on the "Ok" button to exit and save.

Click on the "Ok" button again to exit out of Internet Options menu.

Now, exit your browser and restart! ActiveX should now be enabled. You're all set!

MSN Messenger shows error while log in. Does it related connection with internet explorer which is n

yes it IS related ~ you need an establish internet connection to connect to msn or anything on the internet ~ contact your ISP (internet service provider)

How can I stop Internet explorer from popping up constantly and telling me to send error report?

You could switch internet browsers to something like firefox.

How can I stop Internet explorer from popping up constantly and telling me to send error report?download windows media player

I keep wondering the same thing myself. I wil watch this for good answer.

In the meantime you might try this:

Run the tool and then download the free spyware and virus protection programs:

Malicious virus removal tool:

Ad-Aware Free download:

AVG Download free

Good Luck


Runtime Errors and others:

How can I stop Internet explorer from popping up constantly and telling me to send error report?internet explorer update internet explorer

In alot of the earlier windows XP there was a hole in the system,that allowed a virus onto it from just commen sites.You're not able to get rid of it,unless you reformat,and install a newer windows XP edition,or buy a new computer all togeather.
set your windows to update automatically and send the report
You can disable error reporting. Go to Start, right click on My Computer; Click on Properties.In the System Properties window, click on the Advanced Tab.Click on Error Reporting.Choose "disable error reporting"; uncheck the box marked "but notify me when critical errors occur".Click ok.Click Apply, click ok.

Why do i get a dsn error when trying to connect to a site from Internet explorer? someone help me pl

check your dns setting from control panel -- network connections -- right click on connection that you are using and click on properties -- click on internet protocol (tcp/ip) -- properties -- click on "obtain dns server address automatically"

Why do i get a dsn error when trying to connect to a site from Internet explorer? someone help me pls.?windows vista home premium

Its becoz the domain's DSN's are not pointed correctly to the host server of your domain. Re-check the spellings. There must be a mistake there.

Its nothing serious.

RunTime Errors. How do I eliminate them?

I get frequent RunTime errors in Internet Explorer. Are there settings that will eliminate this?

RunTime Errors. How do I eliminate them?

Make sure that you have turned off addins that you don't trust.

Don't visit schlock sites that have poorly written code.

Set the browser to ignore errors.

I always get an error message "an error has occured in the script"? everytime I open inter

control panel switch to classic then admin then services look for messenger and click it to stop. then close.this will end your problem

I always get an error message "an error has occured in the script"? everytime I open internet explorerie

What's your home page?

Sounds like it has some javascript on it that is causing an error.

Change your default home page and see if it does this still.



Security settings prohibit running ActiveX controls, even with internet not enabled.?

I've been fighting this problem for over a year. I can't use my HP scanner because the ActiveX error prohibits the scanner from operating. I've exhausted all of my HP resources.Yesterday I reinstalled my Yahoo browser and since then I get the error every 10-15 seconds. However, if I click " OK" it goes away. I get the error even with the browser not opened so it must be a Windows XP problem. All the notes in the Microsoft websites refer only to errors in Internet Explorer or other internet site. If it keeps up I'll be bald within the year.

Security settings prohibit running ActiveX controls, even with internet not enabled.?ie 7

This might be an error on HP part, did u try updating the drivers, if all else fails , try a complete format and install windows again, and use firefox or opera.

A problem with Internet Explorer as my browser. It no longer works. 'cannot display page error&

I have done the usual, deleting cookies, histroy, temp files, resetting defaults to no effect- even upgraded to IE7. This worked intermittently but not now. It has reset itself to 'default web page' but will not load. Firefox works OK, but some sites need IE as their browser (otherwise I would not bother) (Problem started with an upgrade by my ISP provider- Orange- don't go there, it costs a fortune in phone calls to no effect)

A problem with Internet Explorer as my browser. It no longer works. 'cannot display page error' is givenie 6

If you still have the disc. All you need to do is place it back into the modem and reset everything. You might want to change all of your passwords though. This could be a sign that someone has logged into your computer and using your internet. Trust me this really does happen, it has happened to me.

I just downloaded Internet explorer 7 but when i start my computer it says system error what can i d

If you have xp operating system go to restore to an earlier date when you didn't have that on there.

I just downloaded Internet explorer 7 but when i start my computer it says system error what can i do.?download ie

try reinstalling it

I just downloaded Internet explorer 7 but when i start my computer it says system error what can i do.?windows media player internet explorer

reboot reboot reboot... or you must have already.. your on yahoo asking questions aren't you?

lol %26amp; GOOD LUCK
What exactly does it say? and do u have a genuine copy of windows
well #1 give it a break for a few hours and #2 you get on the phone with the person that u got the comp from and tell them just what u said
You should do a system restore. If you have XP, you can go to START/ALL PROGRAMS/ACCESSORIES/SYSTEM TOOLS/SYSTEM RESTORE and choose a restore point before you installed IE7.

If you are running an earlier version of Windows, go to START/RUN and then type in scanreg /restore

Good Luck!

And, next time, use Mozilla Firefox! :)

Why can't Internet Explorer display my My Yahoo page anymore? It keeps giving an error but it w

Privacy and Security is set too high on your Browser. Go to Tools %26gt; Internet Options %26gt; Security and Privacy Tabs to set.

How do i fix internet explorer,when i try to use i/e i get an error?

my i/e browser keeps crashing on me. it just loads approx 60 pages with nothing on them. then the whole lot just close down.

How do i fix internet explorer,when i try to use i/e i get an error?internet explorer 7

You can try this tool to fix it:

Good luck!

How do i fix internet explorer,when i try to use i/e i get an error?microsoft word internet explorer

I would try unistalling and reinstalling.
Its a virus/malware.

Open Windows Explorer (not internet explorer - hold down windows key and press "e").

In the address bar type

Download and install. Then use it as your broswer.

Run a free online virus scanner using firefox here use the java plugin

Will take a few hours. Clean everything

Then download AVG realtime Antivirus

Also get SPybot

Or skip the last two downloads and spring for a paid allinone suite. NOD32 is the best.

How come I cant receive internet from my router to my laptop (2)?

I got home today and it was working fine, and all of the sudden my internet stop working and i kept receiving errors for internet explorer. so then i restarted my computer and then my yahoo messenger stopped working. my router is working fine because me wii works and so does my ipod touch. can anyone help me out with this problem? I do not have a external wireless card (so its internal) and im guessing it is a preference setting problem. Do i maybe play around with the settings? (like with the ip adress andf ports? and if so, how do i receive this info? from route? Please and Thank You

How come I cant receive internet from my router to my laptop (2)?internet explorer 6

It's almost S.O.P. when an Internet connection to check to make sure you're getting an ip address. However, you should check your cables. Sometimes a loose cable will cause you hours of troubleshooting when it's simply a loose cable. Here's a few steps to take after checking the cables. Report back what you found, we'll go from there.

1. Click: Start

2. Press "R" / Select "Run"

3. Type: "cmd" (without quotes)

4. Press: "Enter"

5. Type: "ipconfig" (assuming Windows XP)

You should see "Ethernet Adapter" listed and to the right of "IP Address" a 4 octet number separated by periods. I'm not sure how familiar you are with this. If you see an ip address beginning with the numbers "169" then you most certainly have a connection problem. This ip address is assigned to your machine by Windows usually when it has failed to connect to a router or some such device. Report back with what you found.

How come I cant receive internet from my router to my laptop?

I got home today and it was working fine, and all of the sudden my internet stop working and i kept receiving errors for internet explorer. so then i restarted my computer and then my yahoo messenger stopped working. my router is working fine because me wii works and so does my ipod touch. can anyone help me out with this problem? Please and Thank You

How come I cant receive internet from my router to my laptop?ies

Is the computer running Vista? Anyways, you may just try to turn off the wireless switch (if there is one) leave it off for about 5 minutes then turn it back on. If it is running Vista and when you troubleshoot what does it say? Does it say that the proper drivers are not installed? If so, then you may want to connect your laptop via ethernet to your router and run Windows Update. Some updates are VERY vital to keeping your computer on the web. Good luck!

How come I cant receive internet from my router to my laptop?windows update internet explorer

Try pulling out and putting back in the wi-fi card.
well you are going to want to make sure that ur wireless adapter is on also there might be a switch in front or on the side that turns it on or off otherwise goto control panel then hardware to diagnose the problem
you may still need to reset it, my internet stopped working today and thats all i did and it started working fine. all you have to do is unplug it for about 5 min. and then plug it back in.

Why my internet explorer alway end freez when i end then always asking report error?

Those error reports are worthless, microsoft hardly ever replies to them. Its an IE issue, you can try going into tools, internet options and then the advanced tab. If you have IE7, hit the reset button at the bottom. If its IE6 (or lower), click on restore defaults and then hit apply and then ok. If you are able to use IE for even a little bit, try downloading firefox or try going to for windows updates.

Why my internet explorer alway end freez when i end then always asking report error?internet explorer download

Well how long is a piece of string??? There is hundreds of reasons why this happens your best bet is to send the error report and see what it says they can be very helpful those error reports, good luck.

Why my internet explorer alway end freez when i end then always asking report error?windows xp internet explorer

if it freez put it near the heater so that it cant freez anymore.


I keep getting this error 'object doesn't support this action' whenever I use Interne

Is it a problem with the webpage that I'm viewing, or is there something I can change in the settings to fix it? Thanks :)

I keep getting this error 'object doesn't support this action' whenever I use Internet tab

The cause of this error message is - There is a limitation in the processing of JScript code in Internet Explorer 5.

To resolve this problem, obtain the latest service pack for Internet Explorer version 5.01. For additional information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

My computer error message says memory cannot be read and shuts down internet explorer. it is happeni

this is happening on sites i go to a lot. it started when i restored my puter back to an earlier date.

My computer error message says memory cannot be read and shuts down internet explorer. it is happening more?microsoft

It could be a couple of things. You might have a faulty RAM stick. Run MemTest to rule that out. If that passes run the diagnostic tool that came with your hard drive. Your hard drive might be going out. Use Ccleaner to clean up the unused trash.

My computer error message says memory cannot be read and shuts down internet explorer. it is happening more?microsoft access internet explorer

Sounds like corrupted data.. if it was from a system restore. try restoring back to that date again, or even before then.. Also try clearing all your internet history and cookies, to start fresh...

Worse comes to worse download firefox if it is just happening in IE

Why does windows internet explorer by yahoo lock up so much? i'm tired of sending error reports

It could be a variety of reasons such as incompatible Add-ons, incompatible toolbars, lack of system resources (RAM), malware, Java problems, etc. Hard to say without knowing the error details.

First run your resident security products such as antivirus and antispyware applications. If everything comes up clean, try uninstalling your toolbars such as Google or Yahoo through Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs. If the issues continue, go to Tools, Manage Add-ons and disable each one by itself to see if one of them is the culprit. If you are still having troubles, update your Java by following these steps.

Assuming that you are in the Administrator account, go to Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs and uninstall everything that says J2SE, Java and Java Runtime. Reboot (some computers require a reboot to complete the uninstall process). Then go to the site below and download the most recent version of Java.

Afterwards, in IE, go to Tools, Internet Options, Advanced tab and scroll down to the Java section and tickmark the "Use 1.6.2 (version changes with each update) for applet". Click Apply, Click OK and reboot (a reboot is required for some computers for the settings to stick).

Finally if everything above has been ruled out, you probably have a system resources problem. You can see if your computer can handle more RAM by going to and running a scan.

It's important to note that everything takes RAM. Not only security products (such as active anti-spyware, anti-virus and firewall) eat up memory but your operating system, active browser windows, running applications (such as Word, Gaming, Messenger, Photoshop, etc) and malware

Why does windows internet explorer by yahoo lock up so much? i'm tired of sending error reports.?ireland

Instead of doing all that as mentioned above

A better idea is dump I.E and get yourself a much better browser and get FIREFOX no more error reports

Internet Explorer Cannot Find Page...?

What the hell has Yahoo or BT Internet changed? I keep getting this error message and it is driving me INSANE! Anyone else?

Internet Explorer Cannot Find Page...?windows vista

Yes i keep getting messages like that when i try to answer a question. I think there is a bug or something on this site tonight, hope they sort it soon. Its annoying the hell out of me.

Internet Explorer Cannot Find Page...?windows defender internet explorer

all's fine what is the message
I've been having problems as well with yahoo....don't know what's going on but it is soooooo annoying!!
I'm sure that you would have allready checked this out, but are you connected to the internet when these error msg come up?

[Edit] ok i am now getting these dam pop ups saying yahoo cannot connect to webpage. but it works fine if you just refresh the page!
I thought it was only me! I dunno whether it's something in my pc or Yahoo ( cos msn is fine) but one of my friends mentioned something about malware which isn't dangerous to the pc but makes it run extremely slow and pages don't come up. I was told a list of things to get rid of it, inc AVG but nothing seems to work.

Please let me know if you find a solution!
go to start click internet all should be well.

if not hit reset then connect.

you may have msn ie7 downloaded if so delete,then download yahoo ie7.

both different,I know but it is the fact,

you may get the message you already have ie7 yahoo.

thats ok any more problems go to control panel add remove all ie7,then download either yahoo or msn.

if home page is yahoo,then left side scrool down and download ie7 Yahoo.
I would not change anything. This problem started for us recently and so is highly unlikely to be at the user end. If you change your settings, software etc and you may end up in an even bigger mess. Put up with the frustration until the bods at the other end pull their finger out and fix it.

When I use internet explorer 7 and i type a website without "www" i get an error message .

the error message says that the website cannot be found i really need help... this is getting so annoing..

When I use internet explorer 7 and i type a website without "www" i get an error message ...?windows media player

then type it with www. it ain't that big of a deal

When I use internet explorer 7 and i type a website without "www" i get an error message ...?windows live messenger internet explorer


Why is my Internet Explorer pulling up my home page and then aborting (leaving me an error message)?

It only does it the the first time I open my browser. It's been doing it the past week or so.

Why is my Internet Explorer pulling up my home page and then aborting (leaving me an error message)?microsoft word

To fix this problem it is best to include the error message and what it says or look up the EXACT words of the error in a search engine.

It could be that the home page it is set to doesn't work, or it tries to start the webpage before your connection to the internet is fully established (and thus it think the site isn't there).

Switching to a different browser like a previous user suggested will not solve the problem as it is not browser based (and firefox has more vulnerabilities than Internet explorer anyway though they don't like to admit it, thankfully CNN and the NY times let us know for them. =) )

Why is my Internet Explorer pulling up my home page and then aborting (leaving me an error message)?windows movie maker internet explorerI am very glad it helped. Have a wonderful day! Report It


Mozilla Firefox

Internet Explorer is like the bad boyfriend you wish you never had. He will always be around, but he will always leave you hanging.

Go with a browser you can trust.

If it is saying the page is unavailable, then try a known site... If that does not come up, you need to check your internet connection to be sure you are not having problems with your ISP.

What error message does it give?
You can try this tool to fix it:

Good luck!

Internet Explorer, I can't get Yahoo to come up. I get- Has been error(err702). Cant sign in no

Clean your cache.

Make it a trusted, allowed and exempted site.

I cannot send out email. It says that there is an error on the page. I have updated all my Internet

check your cookies its in tools in internet option you need to delet them good luck

Internet Explorer 6.02.2900 will not display a page and shows a yellow triangle with "Error on

Try a better browser such as Firefox.

Internet Explorer 6.02.2900 will not display a page and shows a yellow triangle with "Error on Page" shwoingweb browser

that means there is JavaScript or some scripting error on the page. Try turning off javascript and view the page. If you are the webmaster then try viewing the page in frontpage and deug.

I have a problem with Internet explorer 7?

when i want to sign out of internet 7 there is a system error everytime why?

I have a problem with Internet explorer 7?windows mobile

because microsoft always releases new stuff without working out the bugs. thats why i use firefox

I have a problem with Internet explorer 7?safari browser internet explorer

because ie sucks. use mozilla firefox. it's the future.
who really knows why anything happens with IE7 because of bugs not fixed, spyware, adware installed, you should use firefox

hope that helps
You've probably loaded up some add-on bar or something similar. If you have them, uninstall them. If you don't, try running anti-spyware software as you might have some hidden programs trying to capture your browsing. AdAware is my favorite, but use whichever you like. Run the scan in Safe Mode.
USE Firefox, it's way better and plus you can get a bunch of add ons and themes
Unistalll it and it will go back to 6 if you're using XP. If you have Vista good luck.

Please i need come whenever i try to open a window it comes back with no internet connect

my internet connection signal is fine but whenever im browsing i seemed to lost connection in the middle of it...and also if i close another window or link after browsing it comes back with an error saying, "internet explorer is experiencing error, do u wanna send report or dont send report message and as soon as i close that window the whole thing disappear im back with my desktop, i loose the whole thing what ive been please if anyone out there that can solve d problem that will be great.

Please i need come whenever i try to open a window it comes back with no internet connection?

i have that problem too.. but than my repairman said its the line problem... unstable.

Please i need come whenever i try to open a window it comes back with no internet connection?internet browser internet explorer

Phone up and get help from your server. They will trace the fault for you and put it right. Have a great day.
What version of IE are you using? Make sure you've got the latest one. Also, what type of Internet connection? Might just be an internal corruption in IE - try a good browser like Firefox or Opera:)

My Internet Explorer 7 is not working and when I try to update or reinstall it gives error?

I tried it uninstall it but I cann't . I am confuse is it virus that hurt me.

I have AVG 7.0 that not mentioned any virus.

My Internet Explorer 7 is not working and when I try to update or reinstall it gives error?microsoft access

IE7 just came out of beta testing, which means it still has bugs in it. I doubt you have a virus causing the problem. Try doing a system restore to the time before you installed it and see if that helps.

My Internet Explorer 7 is not working and when I try to update or reinstall it gives error?windows mobile 6 internet explorer

Try it in safe mode

When I click on Home from a website,I get kicked off the internet with an error message: see details

I get an error message: Internet explorer cannot open the internet site http: Operation aborted. And I have to log onto the internet again. Please help.

When I click on Home from a website,I get kicked off the internet with an error message: see details.?microsoft outlook

The page does not exist - Your IE reacts to this with a fatal error.

A damaged browser, You aren't alone with that problem.

My IE. reacts with Server not found

Firefox and K-Meleon do page not found.

You can try to reinstall that will repair Your IE if You get it done.

But I am not sure whether Your system software lets You reinstall. With XP You can update to IE 7. But ppl report problems with that also. With all older Windows You cannot update to IE 7.

There are tools to deinstall IE after that You can reinstall IE6.

You can also install another IE via software to install multiple IE. the later is less hussle.

IE 5.01 is not as resource hungry as the other IE but not new.

Whatever You can do to get Yourself a working IE - there is an easier way yet. Least hussle is to install an alternative browser. They even ship deinstall routines - so that You can deinstall them when they break or if You do not like them any more. (All browsers have a common anestor, Mosaic %26amp; are similar - You will not be lost)

A list with download links for alternative Windows browsers.

My favorites: K-Meleon and Firefox.

The routine: download, double-click installer, tell firewall that the new browser must be allowed to pass. Finished. Start surfing.

When I click on Home from a website,I get kicked off the internet with an error message: see details.?windows messenger internet explorer

seems others are getting that msg too.

hope this helps
If u still has connection with the Internet, that means ur PC has spyware took over ur home page. That's what happened to me, Yahoo spyware from yahoo tool bar didn't help. I paid $30+ a year for spy doctor, best thing.

New internet explorer problems?

Worked OK for a while (slower but stable) and now it gives me an error report everytime I close an explorer window. If I am working on several explorer sessions at once and I close one, it generates an error report and shuts them all down.

Anyone know how to solve this?


New internet explorer problems?windows defender

Have you tried uninstalling then re-installing? If this fails, check your anti-virus or firewall settings arnt interfiering.

New internet explorer problems?windows updates internet explorer

usually these problems can be solved just by configuring your internet browser of any kind in i.e it is tools%26gt;internet options......

.will you add more details then we can help you in a better way.

what dose the error message say?
Download and use Firefox and Thunderbird (email). No such problems with them.

I don't use IE because of all the problems and it's continued susceptibility to virus attacks.

For a long time I used Netscape but the quality went down when AOL bought it and started bloating it with all their useless add ons.

Opera would also be a good choice but I think that Firefox is a more stable product.
You can try this tool to fix it:

Good luck!
IE is not known for being stable. It is vulnerable to viruses. Better use Firefox. 眉

Internet explorer wont let me open my mail neither will the y messenger envelope i get an error mess

i have to go to the favorites on aol and i have yahoo mail sotred there and i can get to it that way but i dont want to relie on aol

Internet explorer wont let me open my mail neither will the y messenger envelope i get an error message?windows live messenger

Most responder links are not working lately.

Make a shortcut to your desktop or IE.

IE you go to Yahoo Mail page first %26gt; Go to Favorites %26gt; Click Add to Favorites.

Desktop %26gt; On Yahoo Mail page %26gt; In an empty area of Yahoo Mail web page %26gt; Right click mouse %26gt; Select create Shortcut on the menu. Then you`ll have one on Desktop.

My internet explorer keeps closing down on me! i have windows xp and i fill in the error reports,?

you must check your pc by this steps:

1_go to my computer

2_right click on drive c(system)

3_choose properties

4_click on tools then you will find error check click on it, youwill find 2 commands choose them all

bye friend

My internet explorer keeps closing down on me! i have windows xp and i fill in the error reports,?opera browser

download internet explorer again

how did u get to asking this question if ie crashes?

My internet explorer keeps closing down on me! i have windows xp and i fill in the error reports,?microsoft windows internet explorer

get firefox mozilla. You will sooner or later so get it now and dump IE.

IE is doing too many thngs in the background
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha how cute. first off, don't use internet explorer, its horrible. use it just one more time to download and install firefox. secondly, error reports do exactly nothing. never have, never will. i have never ever spoken to anyone who reported an error in windows that was later fixed. just ignore them, just like microsoft does.


Disable Error Reports. (Win XP)

Eliminate those pesky little error dialog boxes by placing your cursor over "My Computer" icon, right click and choose "Properties". Click "Advanced", click "Error Reporting" and then choose "Disable error reporting.
reinstall it.

On internet explorer when I go to search i get the sites then it gives me a error message and I have

I would suggest using Mozilla Firefox, screw IE :)

On internet explorer when I go to search i get the sites then it gives me a error message and I have to close?windows movie maker

With just the little bit of information you provided, this could be a virus.

Do you have a virus scan installed on your machine and is it updated?

If you answered yes to both questions - do a restart of your computer - with the screen still black - keep hitting the F8 key - this will boot you into "Safe" mode. You will get a funky looking black and white screen - choose safe mode - choose windows xp. Machine will boot - will say safe mode on the corners of the screen. Do a full virus scan.

I conn to a game on line it will load then windows I E will shut down error ie explorer .exe not fou

when I go on line everything is great but when I go to play game I get error and windows internet explorer shuts bown help!!!!!!!!!!!!

I conn to a game on line it will load then windows I E will shut down error ie explorer .exe not found?windows media player 11

You can try this tool to fix it:

Good luck!

I conn to a game on line it will load then windows I E will shut down error ie explorer .exe not found?microsoft publisher internet explorer

Check for spyware, adware and virus, run full scans with all 3 and remove anything, if anything found. Use a better and safer browser to surf the net too, like opera.

All 3 programs below are free and worth having to protect pc.

Good luck

When I try to uninstall Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2 it says that it can't be removed with the ac

I tried uninstalling it from all the user account on this computer, it was installed on my account and it still gives me the error message. What can I do?

When I try to uninstall Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2 it says that it can't be removed with the account (Error)microsoft excel

When you turn on your computer tap F8 until you get to the safe mode screen. once in safe mode you may delete the program.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

When I am in YAHOO composing a note and attempt to use spell check, Internet Explorer shuts down.?

The error message says something like Internet Explorere has encountered a problem. You will need to shut down, and you may lose any work in progress. Which I do!! Any advice for me for what the problem might be?? Thanks.

When I am in YAHOO composing a note and attempt to use spell check, Internet Explorer shuts down.?microsoft office 2007

Generally a restart will fix this issue, however, I would highly recommend upgrading to Internet Explorer 7. It's much safer to use and works much better. You can download it from

If you need assistance with it, feel free to message me.

Messenger with voice worked great until i installed internet explorer 7.0.?

After installing interent explorer 7, i now get unexpected error messages that shuts down the program (messenger with voice).

Messenger with voice worked great until i installed internet explorer 7.0.?windows installer

There looks to be a problem with yahoo messenger. I just spoke with Yahoo! customer care today. Yahoo! experienced an outage which caused intermittent login issues for yahoo messenger, yahoo voice and some Yahoo mail users. While it wasn't an issue to login to Yahoo! answers and ask about the outage, some yahoo! sites/products were affected. This issue is still not resolved. Try logging in later.

Hope I answered your query.

Messenger with voice worked great until i installed internet explorer 7.0.?microsoft vista internet explorer

trying re-installing messenger, or re-installing IE 7.0, or installing a more classic version of messenger.

Hi can any body help a Trojan as hi jack my my address bar in the Internet option in my Internet exp

I have typed other adress in but just come up with page can not be displayed and invalid syntax error also on my other internet site (yahoo) a box starts up saying you are entering a secure site did not do that before

just after this happened recieved a Email saying i was having trouble with my PC from how did they know can any body help please

Hi can any body help a Trojan as hi jack my my address bar in the Internet option in my Internet explorer?safari browser

Just install spyware doctor 4.0 (SD) and run it .. it will trace all the trojans .. but b4 fixing them just note down the paths and regs. of the trojan infections that u suspect to be the cause of ur problem.

Then after fixing the decteted problems from the SD, traverse thru the paths and regs and manually remove the folders or regs if ion case they r not removed by SD.

Sometimes the folders containing problems could not be deleted by the SD coz they r running at that time .. so for that ..

u can reboot the PC using F8 and using DOS commands remove the folders (u have traced from the SD results) manually.

then reboot it normally.

I tried this and it worked for me ...

Hi can any body help a Trojan as hi jack my my address bar in the Internet option in my Internet explorer?ds browser internet explorer

Most probably you have some sort of trojan and/or spyware donwloaded and installed from the net. Use any updated anti-spyware software - i personally recommend AdAware Personal - from - it's free and it has the lastest updates. Install it, update it's definitions and then perform a full scan, clean everything an then reboot- it should help you with your problem
download SuperAntiSpyware personal edition from and run that.

And use firefox with adblock-plus with filterset.g and you won't get trojanised so easily.
Hi you can also try Avast Anti Virus, It's free from, I use it and recomend it to any one.


firstly - having read your question - the first thing I thought of is ...check that your address starts HTTP and not HTTPS ....The "s" means your computer is only loooking for an encrytpted web page each time ......just check this first .....

but if this is not the case then you certainly do have a trojan ....

trojans which hyjack your address bar etc can often be very difficult to remove ....a good programme is xoftspy ......before running if you have windows ...turn off system restore and run programme in safe mode ensure the virus is hiding in your resident memory
reinstall windows then install this version of Firefox and never use explorer again

I have Internet explorer and when I go into a site I can't click into anything I get an error m

Try going to and update your IE browser.

I have Internet explorer and when I go into a site I can't click into anything I get an error message.?internet browser

Well I am not sure why that is but are you running any anti virus programs? If so reply back with which one and also what operating system are you on and what Internet Explorer version. I would recommend getting Firefox though.

I have Internet explorer and when I go into a site I can't click into anything I get an error message.?windows media center internet explorer

Just get firefox. Its free and less hassle

Internet Explorer Notice:?

Internet Exporer Notice:

Line 237 Char 79 Error Enterminated string constant.

Please correct it or remeove it.

"My" was dead. Many Internet address couldn't enter. Please Help. Thanks

Internet Explorer Notice:?windows mobile 6

Download Safari for Windows! Apple products don't get viruses/problems!

Internet Explorer Notice:?microsoft office 2003 internet explorer

sorry, i don't know how to fix your problem but don't use safari beta for windows i tried to use it but found it was very slow and annoying, some webpage took forever to load %26gt;: (

Internet Explorer in Windows Vista?

I am getting the "Runtime Error Visual C" when I launch explorer. I have read on the Windows site they know of this problem, but don't have a solution. Anyone else have this problem and if so, do you know how to solve it?

Internet Explorer in Windows Vista?windows messenger

Re install internet explorer, or better yet get firefox, which is a much better web browser.

Internet Explorer in Windows Vista?microsoft works internet explorer

It is ok. I think it is the Roxio software that is incompatible with Vista.

It is normal. You will seen stop receiving the error.

It happened to me, too.

When I try to access my yahoo mail it tells me "INTERNET EXPLORER CANNOT DISPLAY PAGE" ?

hello, i have been trying to access my yahoo mail for several hours and everytime it tells me "internet exploerer cannot display page" i even had my sister try from her house to access my mail and it tells her the same thing. she also has yahoo mail and hers seems to work fine. what can i do, and how can i fix it. i had it check for internet connections and it said that there were no errors but said something about FTP or firewalls. what does that mean and how can i fix it.? thank you for your help

When I try to access my yahoo mail it tells me "INTERNET EXPLORER CANNOT DISPLAY PAGE" ?windows updates

I don't really know...

But I think that there are some problems with the Yahoo! email today. I had a lot of problems signing in and it was such a catastrophe to go through the mail coz I had to try to open each and every one hundreds of times in order to access...

Error 12004 HTTP STATUS. will not allow mail to be read. What is problem with internet explorer?

Most likely: You may have a corrupt cache file -- it makes all KINDS of things go wonky. Try this: clear your history, temporary files (this one takes a while 鈥?wait for the hourglass to stop) %26amp; cookies, restart the computer and retry. . Here is the HELP link for how to do this in different browsers:

Also: If it is STILL doing it, scripting may be disabled in your Internet Explorer. This may happen due to updates. To enable scripting, follow the instructions on this HELP page (it is for Messenger, but it may help here as well):

You may also need to disable RESEARCH add-on in IE6 due to recent updates:

Disable Internet Explorer 6.0 add-ons:

1. From "Tools" menu, select "Manage Add-ons"

2. Click on the "Research" add-on if present, and then click Disable.

3. Close and relaunch the Internet Explorer internet browser.

I recently read that you may need to increase your virtual memory size to over 550MB for it to work properly, or try accessing your mail through your Messenger account 鈥?for some reason that works better.

If none of this works, contact:

Yahoo! Customer Service



Yahoo Personal Email: 866-492-4664

Yahoo Small Business: 866-562-7219

8am - 5pm M-F (Pacific Time)

Error 12004 HTTP STATUS. will not allow mail to be read. What is problem with internet explorer?microsoft money

the problem lies with who the mail probably full of viruses thats what the error messages are for to keep you computer as safe as know it makes sense.byeeeeeeee

How can I recover the bottom address bar of Internet Explorer?

It is the status bar where you get "done", sometimes "done but with errors". It also says that you are in the Internet or Intranet.


How can I recover the bottom address bar of Internet Explorer?microsoft windows

Look under the view menu.

How can I recover the bottom address bar of Internet Explorer?windows media player 10 internet explorer

go to the View menu, click Status Bar
Right click to the right of tools, ect and click "Status Bar"
On your IE window click View, then click again on Status Bar, if you click View again you will see that it has a check mark by it, and the bar is now at the bottom of the window.
Click on 'View' then click on Status Bar if it's not checked.

Are there any programs that specifically find windows explorer errors and fix them?

My problem IS NOT VIRUS OR SPYWARE RELATED. However , my computer repeatedly freezes up , stops responding , and I see every time that windows explorer is using right around 50% of system resourses , when i kill the process and re-run explorer , the problem is fixed , until explorer freezes up again..Again , I assert that it is NOT INTERNET EXLORER. I am convinced that there is some sort of problem with windows its self , and have re installed windows xp home three times in attempt to fix these problems... I am thinking the problems are directly related to all those critical security updates from microsoft , since i never have any problems , with spyware , or freezes and crashes , until AFTER I update. Everyone insists that windows updates are necessary and essential for smooth opperation , so I have been using them, though I think I shouldnt.SO are there any programs I can use to find windows explorer problems and attempt to correct them? Again I say, this is not spyware or virus.

Are there any programs that specifically find windows explorer errors and fix them?microsoft project

What you need is a registry cleaner.

Are there any programs that specifically find windows explorer errors and fix them?microsoft powerpoint internet explorer

Belarc advisor, a free download, checks your computer for problems and gives you links for updates etc.

The link is:

I also use free spyware protection SpyBot Search and Destroy and AVG Free virus checker.

Also, Hijack This can find problems with web browsers. However, it comes with a warning that only very experienced computer users should use it!

Good luck

Problem with internet explorer?

Everytime I access my email account or use an interactive webpage (like facebook etc) a small sign appears on the bottom left of my screen saying "errors on page".

When I try to delete mail messages it says "done, but with errors on page" and the messages don't delete.

A window did popup saying that I need to enable ActiveX under my internet options menu, but I checked and it IS activated.

Anyone know what the problem is here?

Problem with internet explorer?microsoft publisher

I think u should just leave it. Next time try to activate/download ActiveX simply by clicking on popup bar and by chosing an option.

Problem with internet explorer?microsoft live internet explorer

IS has no problem, it's the page your viewing that have. Usually that message appears whenever the webpage contains a javascript error. You can simply double-click it and see the error message and the code line of the error.
